

Goto the GroupAttributes page and delete their cache to delete the cache of the whole Site group.


Goto the GroupAttributes page and change their passwords to change the passwords for the whole Site group.
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  1. Press the button above.
  2. Choose an existing group from the pick list of available groups (or leave the page in the current group). If a new group is to be created, leave the default group selected.
  3. Enter a new Pagename or key Groupname/Pagename in the text field.
  4. Decide what you want to do with any unqualified links (i.e. links without a group name qualifier). Any such links are listed below the form. Options are:
    • Do nothing (the default)
    • Add the old group name
    • Add the new group name
  5. Press Rename.
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  • Show ~ This selects which pages will appear in the output
    • all ~ Shows all references
    • missing ~ Shows only references to pages that don't exist
    • existing ~ Shows only references to pages that do exist
    • orphaned ~ Shows pages that exist but don't have any references to them. There is no way to browse to an orphaned page.
  • page names in group ~ Selects which group(s) to the referenced pages can be in
  • referenced from pages in ~ Selects which group(s) the referencing pages can be in
  • Display referencing pages ~ Includes a link to the referencing page -- this can make for a very long output unless you limit the groups searched
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The page won't be deleted from the server's file system. Such, an admin with FTP access will be able to restore this page. You need admin rights to delete a page. Keep in mind to also delete the attachments of this page!