
All ideas about the next generation of Vanadium (what will probably result in WebPlayer 3.0) should be added to this page.


Currently the WebPlayer depends completely on a proprietary technology - flash. Even if we use completely free (even open source) tools (mtasc, swfmill, asdt), they have one big disadvantage: they are not under active development anymore. Which is very sad! Due to the dependence on the flash technology, Adobe decides somewhat which features the WebPlayer will get in the future. Our Target is to have a more flexible toolchain. To reach this, we will try to develop the WebPlayer in javascript. Only small parts of the playback backend will be written in languages like Actionscript, Java or C# (Silverlight). This reduces the dependence on proprietary technology to a minimum. The WebPlayer should even work if no flash player is installed on the client's computer.

Backend Technologies


  1. HTML 5 Audio/Video Tag Support
  2. Windows Media Player (mainly for Windows, MSDN Page, another manual)
  3. Quicktime (mainly for Mac, JavaScript API Documentation)
  4. Flash Player

Notes: Linux players (like GNOME's Totem) support the WMP and Quicktime javascript API. The flash player is found under the important headline in cause of its wide distribution.

Nice to have

  1. Java Applet (OGG support on Win/Mac)
  2. JavaFX
  3. Silverlight
  4. RealPlayer

Notes: The Java Backends are listed here because this will probably be a bigger task.

Design Overview

FontSize('0.846', $m[1])

Requirements of Development Environment

  • Easy interface to create / debug and deploy gui and/or backend plugin
  • Active community for the whole tool chain
  • Debugging tools at least for the core player

Development Environment


  • JSDT (JSDT is bundled with WTP)
  • JSEclipse FontSize('0.692', $m[1])

